Brandon Lipford
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00:00 | 54:27

Through a careful and contemplative examination of the epistle, Ephesians, this teaching sets in focus the excellence, majesty, and matchless brilliance of GOD, and GOD alone.

Here is Apostolic Theology -- the study of GOD and Divine things, understood and presented through an Apostolic lens, and thus, emphasizing the Oneness of GOD, His eternal Word made flesh, the Sonship and Lordship of Christ Jesus, and the significance of all in the context of GOD's dream for our salvation.

GOD of Ephesians, is revealed as...
The Source and Possessor of the supreme will.
The Source and Extender of grace.
The Orchestrator of our forgiveness, adoption, blessing, and acceptance.
The GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Executive of our calling and inheritance.
The Workman of our salvation.
The Keeper of the mystery, and Releaser of the ministry.
The ONE Who works presently and mightily in us.
The ONE to Whom all the glory, praise, honor, and worship belongs.

He is GOD, and there is none like Him!

Taught on June 26, 2022 for Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ's (Cleveland, Ohio) "Cornerstone" Adult Sunday School class, via Zoom.