Brandon Lipford

Simply life-changing.

This teaching is pure empowerment, affirmation, restoration, and release!  A lesson that will not only push and encourage you, but teach you how to stop disqualifying yourself and embrace Who you are divinely elected to be!

There is perhaps nothing on earth more fortifying, justifying, and liberating of a human being than the choice of GOD.  GOD's choice -- of you and me -- trumps our every fault, failure, weakness and fear, the opposition of our enemies, and even the assessment of our friends.

GOD knows, better than we do, who we truly are.  He knows why He called us; why He made us; and why we are the one!

Surely there is a cause, and a moment in the purpose of GOD that only you can meet.  You are the choice of GOD.  NOW... embrace your election!

Taught on September 4, 2022 for Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ's (Cleveland, Ohio) "Cornerstone" Adult Sunday School class, via Zoom.