THE HOUR OF YOUR MESSIAH, NOW IS: Capturing Your Time with Jesus

Brandon Lipford

A stirring and anointed impartation, this lesson discusses the unique and unprecedented access Jesus has given the entire world--all people... including you--to the raw power, presence, and promises of GOD.  It is the access of a sacred hour, which Jesus said (in John chapter 4), "Now is."

Jesus Christ is indeed, The Messiah, who was to come.  He is Son of the Living GOD -- the Savior of the world -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  His birth and ministry to the world, brought the world into an hour of unobstructed access to GOD and His Kingdom.

Jesus removed the veil.
Jesus broke down the wall of partition.
Jesus opened the door to our prepared place in His (and our) Father's house.

Now, it is time for you to seize the access of this hour!  Power, truth, life, revelation, resurrection, miracles, blessing, and breakthrough are fully within your reach -- because of Jesus, your Messiah.

Capture your time with Him!

Taught on March 7, 2021 for Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ's (Cleveland, Ohio) "Cornerstone" Adult Sunday School class, via Zoom.